Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to Ev'ryone alive
This is the time of year for happiness
The happiness is where you find the jive
In each household, there will be much kindness

There will be much to eat for days to come
Imagine all the turkey you could eat
That big and juicy Butterball turk-"scum"
That "scum" will be delicious as fresh meat

The pumpkin pie is the best dessert there
I could eat all of it in just one day
I eat the cheesecake without breaks for air
Between the two, cheesecake takes it away

We are thankful to have loving fam'ly
They care so much; with them I live happ'ly


  1. Perfect, perfect, perfect thanksgiving sonnet Cassidy :D I totally get what you mean by the Butterball "scum" haha! The first stanza should go on a Hallmark card, and I'm liking the repetition, assonance, and consonance going on! Lot's of "s", "i" , an "n" sounds in rapid succession, and it makes the stanza catchy. Also, your tone of voice is genuine, not too fancy, and I super appreciate your rhyme of 'alive' with 'jive'. It sounds musical, and straight up fun. Good work, this is great!

  2. This is cute Cassidy. :) I can relate to the last dessert taking away your final breath of air! Although I'm guessing you could have gone a little deeper with your selection of rhymes and thematic development (also would have liked ending punctuation), you still did a nice job with the 10 syllables per line and adhering to the abab/cdcd/efef/gg constraints. This was uplifting and sweet!


  3. Thanks Mel! I worked extra hard on this one! While writing it, I was able to form a pretty good meter and the rhyming all flowed quite smoothly! The rhyming is spot on and overall, it makes a pretty solid sonnet! 4 hours of work on it, I guess I thought it was the best I have ever written!

  4. Oh Cassidy, I think you put a lovely humorous side to your poem! I think it's great! I also think that it was super appropriate for thanksgiving weekend! I think it is super lovely!! Your imagery is great. :]]
